My Dominant Hemisphere

The Official Weblog of 'The Basilic Insula'

Archive for July 13th, 2008

Evolutionary Computing

with 5 comments

Howdy people! I apologize for the lack of recent activity on my blog. I’ve been swamped with heavy academia lately and am finding it hard to devote time to it. Let’s talk about some fusion stuff today.

This thought just occurred to me. What if computers and software could evolve on their own? If I hypothetically had an operating system that could introduce random optimizations continually, there could be occasions when some random bit of code could prove to be a better fit to suit my hardware and take over. There’s an interesting page on Wikipedia here. Take a look and send in your thoughts and hopefully we can get an interesting conversation started! The idea is radical, no doubt. A couple of starter questions:

  1. How do you build such a thing? Feasibility. How far along the line do you think such technology would come about?
  2. What is the current status of artificial intelligence in desktop computers?
  3. What benefits could you think of?
  4. Any potential side-effects of the phenomenon?
  5. Lastly, is this likely to affect how man and machine interact with each other and if so how?

So that’s it for today folks. See ya!

EDIT: Due to sloppy editing, the comments were turned off for a couple of hours. Everything’s back to normal people, so I’m waiting to hear your comments!

Copyright © Firas MR. All rights reserved.

Written by Firas MR

July 13, 2008 at 3:02 pm

Posted in Technology

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